of The Other Jack available to stream from the Lucille Lortel Theatre April 8-22. With actors Jasmine Blackborow and Nathaniel Parker, directed by James Dacre, and produced by Caridad Svich. Adapted from the book by Charles Boyle. RSVP here.
“Dear Family"
in Esquire.
Acre Books Showcase on March 27 at the Village Well in Culver City. Hanging Loose Press reading on March 31 at Phase Gallery in LA.
Book Signing
at the AWP Conference and Bookfair in Los Angeles on March 29: Survivor’s Notebook & Our Cancers 10:30 to 11:30 at the Acre Books table; A Story That Happens, From Scarsdale: A Childhood & True Story: A Trilogy noon to 1 at the Dalkey Archive Press / Deep Vellum table; War Reporter & New Life 1 to 2 at the Hanging Loose Press table.
“40 Questions About a Political Play”
available for preorder from Calque Press.
“Writers on Writing”
A Conversation with Dan O’Brien and J.M. Tyree at Middlebury College.
nominated for 2024 BroadwayWorld Awards for Best Play, Best Direction, Best Performance, Best Lighting Design, Best Scenic Design, and Best Sound Design.
in "Favorite Boston-Area Stage Productions of 2024" in The Arts Fuse.
"The Voices of Doctors"
from Flying on Easter and Other Poems and Survivor's Notebook featured at Verse Daily.
Four Poems
from Survivor's Notebook and Flying on Easter and Other Poems featured at Medmic.
Podcast Interview
on Drunk as a Poet on Payday with Jason Gray.
at Diesel Bookstore in Los Angeles with Christian Gullette and Noah Warren.
by Nicola Healey of Survivor's Notebook in Wild Court.
Flying on Easter
from Poetry London Editions launched at Goldsmiths, University of London, along with Grey Coats and Nokia Phones by Jemilea Wisdom-Baako, and Drunk Daddy's Girl by Madara Gruntmane.
from Flying on Easter and Survivor's Notebook with Sasha Dugdale, Maya C. Popa, and Lesley Wheeler at Shore Poets in Edinburgh, and with Tessa Berring, Gerry Cambridge, Lauren Pope, and Rob A. Mackenzie at Augustine United Church in Edinburgh.
by Amanda Newell of Survivor's Notebook in Plume Poetry.
on Analyze Scripts Podcast about Newtown and From Scarsdale: A Childhood.
receives the Blanche and Irving Laurie Foundation's Theatre Visions Fund Award.
"Why You Should See Newtown, a New Play About the Sandy Hook Shooting"
in Esquire.
about Newtown on NPR's Connections with Evan Dawsen.
"The Playwright as Documentarian"
David DeWitt on Newtown, True Story: A Trilogy, and more in The Arts Fuse.
Survivor's Notebook
in "Spring Poetry Roundup: Mini Catechisms in Verse" in America Magazine.
opens April 20 at Geva Theatre, directed by Elizabeth Williamson, with actors Kate Abbruzzese, Max Chernin, Kellie Overbey, and Jonathan Walker. More info here.
From Scarsdale: A Childhood
reviewed by Will Zimmerman in the Phi Beta Kappa Society's Key Reporter.
From Scarsdale: A Childhood
reviewed by James Cook in the Times Literary Supplement.
"Writing in Truth and in Full, with Dan O'Brien"
by Will Zimmerman in Phi Beta Kappa's The Key Reporter.
a prose poem from Survivor's Notebook in The Cortland Review.
"Conversations at the Alcove"
with Caridad Svich, playwright and co-Aristic Director of the Lucille Lortel Theatre. Watch here.
True Story: A Trilogy
published January 2 by Dalkey Archive Press.
From Scarsdale: A Childhood and Survivor's Notebook
in the fall books roundup from New England Review.
from Survivor's Notebook in Bennington Review, Laurel Review, and Southword.
Survivor's Notebook
reviewed by Jesi Bender in Exacting Clam.
Featured Poet
interview at Hanging Loose Press.
in the Chattanooga Times Free Press.
about From Scarsdale with Joseph Planta for The Commentary podcast.
at University of Oregon. More info here.
about Survivor's Notebook, From Scarsdale, and True Story: A Trilogy at Chapter 16.
in Los Angeles Review of Books Quarterly. Launch reading at Stories Books & Cafe.
from Survivor's Notebook on Poetry Worth Hearing.
about True Story: A Trilogy in Good River Review.
in Poetry London.
at Literary Hub.
From Scarsdale: A Childhood
published Oct. 10 by Dalkey Archive Press.
"Napping After Cancer"
from Survivor's Notebook featured at Literary Hub.
Survivor's Notebook
on the Featured Fall Book List at Academy of American Poets.
at BookEater in Rochester, NY, Thursday Oct. 5 at 7pm.
about Survivor's Notebook with Joseph Planta for The Commentary podcast.
Personal Essay
in the Washington Post.
with Erin Slaughter for The Lives of Writers podcast.
Survivor's Notebook
published Sept. 15 by Acre Books.
AP News
covers book event for Survivor's Notebook, From Scarsdale, & Stand Up To Cancer with this video interview.
by Jessica St. Clair on The Deep Dive.
Book Launch
Sept. 7th @6:30pm PST at Diesel Bookstore in Los Angeles for Survivor's Notebook (poems),From Scarsdale (memoir), and True Story: A Trilogy (plays). Recording of the event here. Photos here. Raising funds for Stand Up To Cancer. Guest readers include Casey Wilson, Dan O'Brien, Danielle Schneider, Jason Mantzoukas, Jessica St. Clair, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, June Diane Raphael, Kyle Bornheimer, Lennon Parham, Melissa Rauch, Nate Corddry, Noah Bean, Paul Scheer, & Tony Hale.
Podcast Interviews
on Plucking Up with Liz Bohannon, Finding Favorites with Leah Jones, and The Poetry Show with Daphne Stanford on Radio Boise.
in Tupelo Quarterly and Shoutout LA.
"Sibling Rivalry: Amadeus and the Artist Revisited"
in The Hinge of a Metaphor: A Collection of Essays on Cinema from Vanguard Editions. Available here.
from the forthcoming Survivor's Notebook in Bad Lilies, The Fiddlehead, North American Review, Poetry Salzburg, The Southern Review, Sugar House Review, and Under the Radar.
of Robert Selby's The Kentish Rebellion in the Los Angeles Review of Books.
Dalkey Archive Press
to publish From Scarsdale: A Childhood (memoir) and True Story: A Trilogy (drama) in September.
Survivor's Notebook
in Adult Books for Fall 2023 from Publishers Weekly.
New Play Commission
from the Lucille Lortel Theatre's new play development program, The Alcove. More information at Playbill.
to premiere in the 2023-24 season at Geva Theatre Center, directed by Elizabeth Williamson.
Survivor's Notebook
available for preorder from Acre Books.
in Briar Cliff Review, Exacting Clam, Fenland Poetry Journal, Greensboro Review, The Moth, Raceme, Wild Court, and Witness.
A Remembrance
for Andrew Leynse in American Theatre Magazine.
Playwriting Faculty
with David Adjmi, Brittany Allen, & Talene Monahon at the 2023 Sewanee Writers' Conference.
A Conversation
with Amanda Newell at Plume Poetry, including poems from Survivor's Notebook(forthcoming from Acre Books, Sept. '23).
in Poetry Birmingham Literary Journal.
in Wild Court by James Peake of Our Cancers: A Chronicle in Poems and A Story That Happens: On Playwriting, Childhood, & Other Traumas (CB Editions UK, Dalkey Archive Press US).
interview with Iris Bahr on X-Rae.
by Sophie Thomas of Our Cancers in Magma Poetry.
in Plume Poetry 10.
"In Praise of Poet Voice"
essay in Literary Hub.
Sunday Salon Chicago
with Toya Wolfe, Dan O'Brien, Joann Smith, & Robert Vaughan. July 31st at 6pm CST via Zoom. Registration here.
A Conversation
with poet Rob Mackenzie in Poetry Birmingham Literary Journal.
Two Poems
in Northwest Review.
"Out of the War Zone: A Conversation Between Paul Watson and Dan O'Brien"
at Los Angeles Review of Books.
Borges and Me
in the 2022 Orchard Project Adaptation Lab.
with Daphne Stanford on The Poetry Show from Boise Radio.
at the 2022 New Harmony Project.
"Out of Darkness" in Brown Alumni Magazine.
A video conversation with Melinda Pfundstein about Our Cancers and A Story That Happens, hosted by Sugar House Review.
on Jenn Habel's podcast The Brief from the Elliston Poetry Room at University of Cincinnati.
"Playwriting and Beyond: Playwrights Discuss Moving Into Writing Different Forms"
Virtual panel at AWP Conference with Jacqueline Goldfinger, Beth Kander-Dauphin, Dan O'Brien, & Charise Castro Smith.
"The Essential Value--and Deep Cost--of Reporting From War"
at Literary Hub.
National Institute of Health / National Library of Medicine
includes Our Cancers in the NNLM Reading Club for March.
by Stephen Wilson of Our Cancers in the Times Literary Supplement.
by Indira Ganesan of Our Cancers in the Phi Beta Kappa Society's Key Reporter.
by Caridad Svich of A Story That Happens in Contemporary Theatre Review.
Playwriting Faculty
at the 2022 Sewanee Writers' Conference with Nathan Alan Davis, and Liliana Padilla.
"12 Favorite Books of 2021"
by Rob Mackenzie at Surroundings Two incudes Our Cancers.
"10 Best New Playwriting Books to Read in 2022"
including A Story That Happens at Book Authority.
by J.D. Schraffenberger of Our Cancers in North American Review.
by Megan Kuklis of Our Cancers in The Fiddlehead: Atlantic Canada's International Literary Journal.
about A Story That Happens at Chapter 16, in the Nashville Scene, and the Chattanooga Times Free Press.
by Ryan Buxton in Katie Couric Media.
from A Story That Happens (Dalkey Archive, US / CB Editions, UK) in Poetry London.
New poems
in Bennington Review and 14 Magazine.
at National Poetry Library Presents: Poetry London's 100th Issue at Southbank Centre. Other readers include Moniza Alvi, Romalyn Ante, Fred D'Aguiar, Pascale Petit, Christopher Reid, and hosted by André Naffis-Sahely.
from Our Cancers at Chapter 16.
with Jessica St. Clair & Dan O'Brien in Entertainment Weekly.
The House in Scarsdale: A Memoir for the Stage
live-read Sept. 29 at 7:30pm via Play-PerView (available on-demand through Oct. 3), featuring Alex Draper and Dan O'Brien, and directed by Christian Parker. Benefitting Boston Court Pasadena.
with Stephen Fee on The PEN Pod from PEN America.
"Second-Act Problems"
in American Theatre magazine.
includes A Story That Happens and Our Cancers in Must-Read Fall Books.
with Jessica St. Clair & Dan O'Brien on NPR's Bullseye with Jesse Thorn.
from A Story That Happens at Literary Hub.
from Our Cancers at Literary Hub.
from A Story That Happens at The American Scholar.
Publication Day
for Our Cancers: A Chronicle in Poems from Acre Books, and A Story That Happens: On Playwriting, Childhood, & Other Traumas from Dalkey Archive Press.
in Playbill about A Story That Happens: On Playwriting, Childhood, & Other Traumas.
Double Book Launch
for Our Cancers and A Story That Happens hosted online by Skylight Books 9/14 at 7pm EST / 4pm PST. More info here.
Visiting Faculty
in the Goddard College MFA Creative Writing Program.
"Fallout: Writing & the Half-Life of Trauma"
reading & craft conversation with Alan Shapiro, hosted by Plume. Register here.
Playwriting Faculty
at the 2021 Sewanee Writers' Conference.
at the 2021 New Harmony Project.
"Unspeakable: Speech on Stage"
in As We Were Saying: Sewanee Writers on Writing, new anthology from the Sewanee Writers' Conference and LSU Press.
"Second Acts": Theatre post-Covid
essay in The Stage.
New Poems
in Birmingham Poetry Review, Cyphers, Magma Poetry, New England Review, and The Southern Review.
A Story That Happens
reviewed by Alice Jolly in the Times Literary Supplement.
from A Story That Happens in the Washington Post.
in the Los Angeles Times.
"Drop the Mask"
with music by John Colpitts performed by Lennon Parham for the 24 Hour Plays: Viral Musicals.
from A Story That Happens, along with playwrights Jacqueline Goldfinger and Elyzabeth Wilder, in the Sewanee Writers' Conference Reading Series, Thursday May 6 at 8pm EST. Register here.
A Story That Happens
US edition to be published in September by Dalkey Archive Press, an imprint of Deep Vellum.
at Los Angeles Review of Books with Lina Patel about A Story That Happens.
at Playbill with Dan Meyer about A Story That Happens.
Our Cancers
from Acre Books available for pre-order here.
A Story That Happens
listed as one of "16 Theatre Books to Read This Spring" by Playbill.
"Dog's Best Friend"
performed by Terry Kinney for the 24 Hour Plays: Viral Monologues.
A Story That Happens
reviewed by Jonas Schwartz-Owen at BroadwayWorld.
A Story That Happens
excerpted in The Guardian.
at BroadwayWorld about A Story That Happens.
A Story That Happens
excerpted in American Theatre.
A Story That Happens
available to pre-order from CB Editions.
Playwriting Faculty
at the 2021 Sewanee Writers' Conference with Naomi Iizuka, Liliana Padilla, and Lloyd Suh.
"The Faces of Doctors" & "Her First Day"
in issue 242 of Ambit.
"Four Years Later"
at the Cedars Sinai blog.
"The Faces of Doctors"
read at launch of Ambit 242.
Two Month Review
podcast discussing William Gaddis's J R with hosts Chad Post and Brian Wood.
"The Knot"
from Scarsdale (CB Editions / UK; Measure Press / US) featured at E-Verse Radio.
An Open Letter
in support of playwrights to the Biden-Harris administration. Part of a nationwide campaign organized by Be An Arts Hero and The Dramatists Guild of America.
Four Prose Poems
in the new issue of Blackbird.
Pushcart Prize Nomination
for "The Future," published in Sugar House Review. A reading by the poet here.
Key West
published by Broadway Play Publishing.
performed by Tim Guinee in the 24 Hour Plays: Viral Monologues, benefitting Gilda's Club NYC.
The House in Scarsdale: A Memoir for the Stage
streaming as part of PTP/NYC's 34th Season, performed by the playwright with Alex Draper and directed by Christian Parker.
with Broadwayworld on PTP/NYC's presentation of The House in Scarsdale: A Memoir for the Stage.
with novelist Jill McCorkle Sept. 29 at 8pm EST as part of the Sewanee Writers' Conference Fall Reading Series.
"Character-Building: On Past Traumas and a Future for the Stage"
published by Literary Hub.
The Angel in the Trees and Other Monologues
published by Salamander Street.
in North American Review's Open Space.
on resilience written with Jessica St. Clair in the New York Times.
Prose poems
in 32 Poems, The Fiddlehead: Atlantic Canada's International Literary Journal, The Hopkins Review, North American Review, and Sugar House Review.
In Residence
with the 2020 Orchard Project Professional Lab.
"Unknown Caller"
included in The 24 Hour Plays Viral Monologues, New Monologues Created During the Coronavirus Pandemic published by Methuen Drama and edited by Howard Sherman.
published by America Magazine.
Podcast Interview
with Jessica St. Clair & Dan O'Brien on Middlebury Magazine's Midd Moment hosted by President Laurie Patton.
"The Nurse"
prose poem in the new issue of The Moth.
"Without Evidence: Reopening as Remission"
in The American Scholar.
"After Krapp"
monologue performed by Evan Handler for the 24 Hour Plays Viral Monologues.
Our Cancers
to be published in 2021 by Acre Books.
"Good Friday 2"
from Survivor's Notebook published in the miCRo Series from The Cincinnati Review.
"Who Am I?": Character on Stage offered online via the Sewanee Writers' Conference.
"Lost and Found, Anguish and Grace"
essay on The Three Christs of Ypsilanti in the Times Literary Supplement.
The 24 Hour Plays: Viral Monologues
"Unknown Caller" performed by Jessica St. Clair.
"Life Shrinks: Lessons From Chemo Quarantine"
in the Times Literary Supplement.
In Residence
at the 2020 New Harmony Project.
Playwriting Faculty
at the 2020 Sewanee Writers' Conference.
"Will You Please Shut Up?"
produced by Tiyatro 8.065 in Istanbul.
Jannetta Lecture
delivered at the U.S. Air Force Academy 10 September 2019 recording.
A Tribute
to Wyatt Prunty & Sewanee Writers' Conference in the new Sewanee Review.
"The Drama of Conflict"
online at Paris Review.
New Life
in workshop at PlayLabs at the Playwrights' Center, with Michael Michetti directing and performed by Tim Guinee and the playwright.
The Thirteenth Annual David L. Jannetta Distinguished Lecture in War, Literature & the Arts at the U.S. Air Force Academy in Colorado on September 10, 2019.
at the Utah Humanities Book Festival Sept. 17 at the Southern Utah Museum of Art in Cedar City, and Sept. 18 in Salt Lake City with poet Natalie Young.
in Salamander, Smoke, and Stand.
The House in Scarsdale: A Memoir for the Stage
available now from Oberon Books in London.
in Poetry Wales.
"Dear Brother"
excerpt from a memoir-in-progress in New England Review.
"Why We Like It: Newtown, by Dan O'Brien"
by Alison Carey of Oregon Shakespeare Festival at the Cincinnati Review.
with Kathryn Harris and Mark Halliday at The Troubadour in London on June 10.
with Briony Bax, Isabel Galleymore, Kiare Ladner, and Gboyega Odubanjo in 'A Potted History of Ambit' at the Stoke Newington Literary Festival in London on June 8.
at Caius College in Cambridge May 25th at 5pm with Charles Boyle, Sasha Dugdale, and James Womack.
"Adam's Mother"
the first act of play-in-progress Newtown (commissioned by Oregon Shakespeare Festivaland the Public Theater) published in Cincinnati Review.
May 7 at the Scottish Poetry Library in Edinburgh with Alycia Pirmohamed & David Hopkins.
in Smartish Pace.
interview with James Scott.
at Ambit 235 launch at Tate Modern in London.
Playwriting Faculty
with Naomi Iizuka at the 2019 Sewanee Writers' Conference.
Workshop: "Narrative Poetry in Troubled Times"
at the National Centre for Writing in Norwich, England. Part of the 60th Anniversay Celebration of Ambit Magazine.
in Ambit, The Dark Horse, North American Review, & Poetry Wales.
"The First Time"
in Middlebury Magazine.
The House in Scarsdale: A Memoir for the Stage
wins 2018 PEN America Award for Drama.
at the 2018 War, Literature & the Arts Conference at the US Air Force Academy in Colorado, September 20-21.
The House in Scarsdale: A Memoir for the Stage
at Boston Court Pasadena receives five Stage Raw Theatre Award nominations for Playwriting, Production, Acting, Lighting Design, Video Design.
Playwriting Faculty
with Lauren Yee at the 2018 Sewanee Writers' Conference.
"Long Days"
excerpt from New Life in the Sewanee Review.
Poems & a Play
in the new Blackbird.
New Life
presented in the L.A. Writers' Workshop Festival at the Kirk Douglas Theatre. With actors Tim Guinee and Brian Henderson, and director Neel Keller and dramaturg Joy Meads. Interview here.
workshopped at Portland Center Stage with composer John Colpitts, director Michael Michetti, dramaturg Ben Fainstein, actors Satomi Blair, Nick Ferrucci, Gavin Hoffman, Alex Ramirez, and percussionists Dianna Hnatiw & Taylor Long.
New Poems
in spring issues of And Other Poems, Birmingham Poetry Review, Cell Poems, Cyphers, The Fiddlehead, Poetry Ireland Review, & The Saint Ann's Review.
Dan O'Brien: Plays One
US edition published April 3. Order here.
New Life
in development at the 2018 New Harmony Project. In collaboration with Paul Watson and director Elizabeth Williamson, with actors Michael Crane and Tim Guinee.
New Life
reading at Primary Stages February 26th with Michael Crane and Tim Guinee. Directed by Terry Kinney.
in Phi Beta Kappa's The Key Reporter.
Los Angeles Drama Critics Circle Awards
The House in Scarsdale: A Memoir for the Stage receives five nominations for Writing, Direction, Lead Performance, Lighting Design, and CGI/Video. More information.
"Of Time and the Theatre"
excerpted at Literary Hub.